1-to-1 coaching

The path of

A 1-to-1 coaching journey over 12 weeks, to get reoriented on the path back to yourself. Discover who you truly are as you clear away limiting beliefs, to find yourself where you’ve been hiding all along.


Who are you, really?

You are not your job. You are not your relationship. You are not your possessions. If you removed everything you’ve ever chased, everything you’ve ever wanted, who would you be underneath?

It’s one of the most universal spiritual teachings that, rather than fighting what we find out in the world, our personal salvation is to be found by turning within. You don’t need to learn techniques or strategies to get what you think you want. The real task of healing and spiritual growth is to identify the parts of ourselves we have learned to cut off - and find our way back to loving, and reintegrating, them into our being. This 1-to-1 programme will help you begin to uncover and unpack the narratives and limiting beliefs that are holding you back from becoming the authentic, real you.

The Path of Self-acceptance is a space to finally meet yourself and be seen for who you truly are.

“tHe curious paradox is that, when i accept myself just as i am, then i can change.”

- carl Rogers


  • Identify your key limiting beliefs and how to break them apart for good

  • Discover how to seek out more empowering perspectives to enlarge your reality

  • Reclaim your projections and understand how to protect yourself from the projections of others

  • Learn tools to compassionately support yourself as you continue dismantling your narratives

  • Reconnect with your innate joy as you realise what’s truly meant for you

This training includes:

  • 12x 90min 1-to-1 coaching sessions over 3 months

  • +Bonus 60min call each month

  • WhatsApp and email support within 24hrs

  • Personal action plan creation and accountability

  • Nervous system regulation techniques

  • Resources and reading list for further study

book a call to find out more and begin the journey back to yourself.